001: Genesis Print

Current Nest holders and anyone that mints a Nest by the 24/03/2023 are entitled to receive one 50cm by 50cm Nest Print per wallet. To receive your print, please fill in the form below:

Wallet holdings will be taken at block height 16843240

In order to verify you are entitled to recieve a copy of this print, you are required to sign a transaction here: https://etherscan.io/verifiedSignatures

  • 1. Click "Sign Message"
  • 2. Agree to terms
  • 3. Select Wallet that is currently holding the nest
  • 4. Copy and paste this message in the message section: "Genesis: Approve Printing Nest X"
  • Replace the X with the number of the nest you own and would like to print
  • Click "Publish"
  • Copy the "Signature Hash" and paste it below